Tuesday 10 May 2016

Who Am I

20 years ago, there lived a family who was not wealthy but rich in kindness. The family compose of a son and later on, the mother gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her with a lovely name "Christine Claire". The little girl grew up to be kindhearted and a loving daughter. Years past by and she was blessed with two more siblings. They lived together in their little house near the river. But the day came that they have nothing to eat. So her older brother has to work for survival. Her parents agreed and they can now eat at least three times a day. But herself and her little siblings are need to go to school. Since her father is a pastor and no money can support the family, her mother decide to work. For her siblings future, she did everything. Christine also did her part. Even if how many times she felt rejected by her own family, she could not run away. Because she loved her family. Years later, in her college years. An unexpected thing happened. She taught it was just nothing but then it turn into one thing called "TADHANA". She meet her first real PRINCE CHARMING! It was not like we usually see on television. Its real! Actually the "kilig" moments came as well as the first memories resembles. Then, it was a long time since they were together. Full of dreams and wishes that they will end up together forever. And now, they were in the last year of their college year. Hoping that when they graduated, she will go to Dubai to work together with him. It was just a dream but for her it will come true. For all the sacrifices and things done for her, she will repay them and give them everything back. Because when a family loves you it means forever and when you repay them it means it will be God's promise came here

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