Noel Cabangon's Biography
Personal background
Noel Cabangon comes from a modest family. He grew up in a small town in La Union province called Rosario. As a kid he remembers performing at home every time his parents have some guests for a visit. Mesmerized with the sound and playing of the guitar by his relatives, he started learning how to play the instrument at the age of 10. Patiently he never stopped playing the borrowed guitar from the neighbor until he finds his fingers turned into green or get all the rusts of the strings.
He grew up a shy and insecure boy running away from people who enlist his name every time there is a singing contest in there town. He was too scared to perform in public - on stage where the town's people would watch him. Lack of confidence made him repulsive from joining any contest or doing public performance. Not knowing that his talent for singing coupled with his songwriting skill would soon be his instruments in paving his own journey and creating his life-story.
Kanlungan is one of my favorite song because of the message of the song which refers to the days of ones lives. One's life is very important because according to them we only live one's but for me he live everyday and because of that we should enjoy our lives and do good to others. I'm really afraid of death because I know if I die first, my family will be in sorrow but if they go first, ill be in a great pain. I will give importance to the people I loved because life is just a tick of the clock. No one could ever know his/her time.
Thanks for making this song.