Tuesday 17 May 2016

Love is Unconditional

I know that I'm loved because of the people around me who still there even though my attitudes is sometimes hard to understand. Even if how many times I push them away, they are still there for me. Even if it get to the point that that its really hard for them to reach out for me, they don't give up on me. I know because I feel it everyday. I maybe the hardest or the weakest person they know, I know they loved me the way I want it.

Love is unconditional. No highest mountains, deep ravines or shallow seas can measure love. Its how a person feel towards other person. No wealth, no treasures or even other person can change that. Like God who gave his any son to saved the entire human race from the everlasting death. Its for us to believed that its true. Even how we feel for someone, no one measure that. Because love is not a dead tree, it never bearing fruits which is love for everyone. Be when we loved, we can do anything impossible.

Friday 13 May 2016

My Favorite Poem

Last Love
by J.D. Mariposa

Best of friends
together took a leap
Now true friends
ahh! feelings run deep
Two hearts fused
hands ever entwined

Ti's all worth the wait
to care for one as kindly
Never never too late
to love but not blindly

So, to you my friend first,
my last love, i say
I'll be true every and
each of my waking day!

I choose this poem because of the entire poem's I've read; I think this is the best one. It shows how love conquers every problem and difficulties we thought that it would never exist. As long as the person you loved is with you, you became motivated and active in every walk that you take. You can do things beyond limits and then you also learn that when you loved, it’s risky. So take every step of your way and learn from your mistakes.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Why I love My Philippines

I love Philippines due to its wonderful beaches we can see from Tawi-tawi to Sulu. Philippines is known for its famous natural resources here in the world. Most of the tourist found this place a wonderful place to enjoy vacation especially summer seasons.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

My Future

My future lies within my hand. I believed that everything I did is my future's preparation. It molded me to become a good English communication wherein the field I have chosen will be used. Ive been facing the hardest part of my studies wherein I have to do such thing that I have never done before. I used to pretend that I can do everything but deep inside I cant! I'm weak. I'm get scared every time my turn is on. But I have to push a little harder to aim my goals in life, to achieve my stats and be the person who I wanna be. I want to go abroad to work. But is it what I dreamed before? Yes! Ive been forced to do such thing for my own good. I'm; happy. But I will never be contented. I loved writing stories but now? I cant express my taught. Why? It's because I wanted to focus on the path that I choose. I believe that God has a plan for me. Plans to prosper me, not to harm me.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Who Am I

20 years ago, there lived a family who was not wealthy but rich in kindness. The family compose of a son and later on, the mother gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her with a lovely name "Christine Claire". The little girl grew up to be kindhearted and a loving daughter. Years past by and she was blessed with two more siblings. They lived together in their little house near the river. But the day came that they have nothing to eat. So her older brother has to work for survival. Her parents agreed and they can now eat at least three times a day. But herself and her little siblings are need to go to school. Since her father is a pastor and no money can support the family, her mother decide to work. For her siblings future, she did everything. Christine also did her part. Even if how many times she felt rejected by her own family, she could not run away. Because she loved her family. Years later, in her college years. An unexpected thing happened. She taught it was just nothing but then it turn into one thing called "TADHANA". She meet her first real PRINCE CHARMING! It was not like we usually see on television. Its real! Actually the "kilig" moments came as well as the first memories resembles. Then, it was a long time since they were together. Full of dreams and wishes that they will end up together forever. And now, they were in the last year of their college year. Hoping that when they graduated, she will go to Dubai to work together with him. It was just a dream but for her it will come true. For all the sacrifices and things done for her, she will repay them and give them everything back. Because when a family loves you it means forever and when you repay them it means it will be God's promise came here

Monday 9 May 2016

New President of the Philippines

What I expect from me the New President of the Philippines

I expect he can lead the country well. He can stop heinous crime and drug addiction in the country. He will lift our poverty so that the burden we carry from those past years will be lighten. He will do what he promise and god will abide on him. I know there is nothing perfect in this world, but if we trust and believe that he can make our country good as new, our people will surely prospered.

Thursday 5 May 2016

The Wonders of My Province

Places to see and Things to do in
 Negros Island

My Favorite Filipino Delicacy

Fish Escabeche

one whole fleshy fish
(lapulapu, red snapper, carp or mackerel)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
some flour to dredge the fish in
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tbsp ginger root,  cut into thin strips
1/2 cup sliced onions
1 cup red and green bell peppers, cut into strips
2 tbsp lard or oil
2 cups water
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp cornstarch (dissolve in water)

1. Rub the fish with salt and pepper. Dredge with flour and then deep-fry in very hot oil.  Set aside.
2. In a skillet, lightly saute garlic, ginger, onions and bell peppers in lard or oil. Don’t overcook the onions and bell peppers. Set aside.
3. In the pan, mix together the water, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, corn starch, salt and pepper. Simmer for about 5 minutes or until the starch is cooked and thickens the mixture.
4. Place the fish on a platter and pour over it the sauce prepared in step 3.
5. Arrange the sauteed ginger, onions and peppers on top of the fish and serve.

 My favorite dish is fish Escabeche. Because I really loved sweet and sour taste especially if my mother is the one cooking. I starting living this food because its very nutritious and delicious. Besides from pork, meat or chicken, I also admire fish dishes. 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Favorite Filipino Poems

Tracing You
by Kristina Aquino

Imagine the train tracks,
the train speeding away from you.
We were somewhere
and someone else a minute ago.

So I give you this,
the poet, the imagined martyr,
unmoving in her seat--she is one
of the firsts, she is daybreak today--
it does nothing but stare back.
She is so still the train stops with her.
"Cubao", she mouths.

Imagine the train tracks,
the train speeding away from
you, Cubao.
We were with you
some minute ago.

There are buildings
on the way to the end of the line,
but structure
eliminates the idea of a horizon.
It is sad when imagined things
start dying, too.

No rest
by Kyo Zapanta

It's time for me to rest for a while
My condition is not that good
But hell, I can't seem to leave behind
Whatever it is that I must do

I know it’s been in overtime
I shouldn’t be here anymore
But that workaholiart of me
Seem to like the stress in store

But then again by head’s in pain
My body is just saying no
My eyes are swollen and tears are forming
I could cry in stress ever so

But I wouldn’t cry even if I feel it
For when I do I’ll be okay
Then I would again want to work
And I’ll be working for the rest of the day

Who Am I
by Brian Joseph Sy

Who am I to blindly believe that?
I can become parcel of this sacred ground?
To pretend that I am a strong wind
to guide your ever sturdy wings

Who am I to change this persistent blue rain?
To pretend that I can wash the sorrows away
from your ever beating heart

Who am I to care for this mortified soul?
To pretend that sanctity ascends in my
figureless touch…

I am none. Transcending only the littlest of
existence only meager eyes could see.
In the skies I plead alms
to catch your merciful grace;

To rescue me from this
lonesome cloud of misery
that I call self.

Last Love
by J.D. Mariposa

Best of friends
together took a leap
Now true friends
ahh! feelings run deep
Two hearts fused
hands ever entwined

Ti's all worth the wait
to care for one as kindly
Never never too late
to love but not blindly

So, to you my friend first,
my last love, i say
I'll be true every and
each of my waking day!

Now I Know
by Jose Paulo Tolentino

Seven months felt like seven years
and now I face my greatest fears
Why before I could never wait
but now I know the heavy weight.

In a strange world, a mad city,
it is tough to be an adult
you take responsibility
to bear frustration and insult

There are days I would like to die
life is not pretty as it seem
Leave this and what do I redeem?
many I have learned is just a lie

They say I should create a goal
Love and life is what you make it
but somehow it just could not fit
All I have is a hollow soul

From here I don't know where to go
Being an adult, now I know.

My Favorite Filipino is Last Love by J.D. Mariposa

I choose this poem because of all the poem's I've read, I think this is the best one. It shows how love conquers every problem and difficulties we thought that it would never exist. As long as the person you loved is with you, you became motivated and active in every walk that you take. You can do things beyond limits and then you also learn that when you loved, its risky. So take every step of your way and learn from your mistakes.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

My Favorite Filipino Hero

Jose Rizal's Biography

Personal Background
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda or popularly known as José Rizal (June 19, 1861 – December 30, 1896) was a Filipino nationalist and polymath during the tail end of the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines. An ophthalmologist by profession, Rizal became a writer and a key member of the Filipino Propaganda Movement which advocated political reforms for the colony under Spain. He was executed by the Spanish colonial government for the crime of rebellion after an anti-colonial revolution, inspired in part by his writings, broke out. Though he was not actively involved in its planning or conduct, he ultimately approved of its goals which eventually led to Philippine independence. He is widely considered one of the greatest heroes of the Philippines, and is implied by Philippine law to be one of the national heroes. He was the author of the novels Noli Me Tángere, and El filibusterismo, and a number of poems and essays.

He is my idol in the field of poems and writings. He's brilliant enough than all can ever be. He leads the Filipinos to fight against colonizer. Through his writing, not through wars. He become a hero not by gun or sword but with his pen and brilliant mind he open our eyes to defend what's our. He's brave even though he show criticism to Spanish but what he brought is freedom for his country.

Monday 2 May 2016

Kanlungan by Noel Cabangon

Noel Cabangon's Biography

Personal background

Noel Cabangon comes from a modest family. He grew up in a small town in La Union province called Rosario. As a kid he remembers performing at home every time his parents have some guests for a visit. Mesmerized with the sound and playing of the guitar by his relatives, he started learning how to play the instrument at the age of 10. Patiently he never stopped playing the borrowed guitar from the neighbor until he finds his fingers turned into green or get all the rusts of the strings. 
He grew up a shy and insecure boy running away from people who enlist his name every time there is a singing contest in there town. He was too scared to perform in public - on stage where the town's people would watch him. Lack of confidence made him repulsive from joining any contest or doing public performance. Not knowing that his talent for singing coupled with his songwriting skill would soon be his instruments in paving his own journey and creating his life-story.

Kanlungan is one of my favorite song because of the message of the song which refers to the days of ones lives. One's life is very important because according to them we only live one's but for me he live everyday and because of that we should enjoy our lives and do good to others. I'm really afraid of death because I know if I die first, my family will be in sorrow but if they go first, ill be in a great pain. I will give importance to the people I loved because life is just a tick of the clock. No one could ever know his/her time.