Wednesday 27 April 2016

My Family Tradition

                My family has a unique tradition that we inherited from our great grandparents who were Spanish like; we do not eat bare hands. It should be using fork or spoon. Women and young ladies are not allowed to go out during night for some security reasons. Nuts it’s not really necessary at all due to modernization and newly invented technologies.

                There are still few of our tradition that we have been practicing until now. Early in the morning, late in the afternoon or during night time, when we see older person that us we greeted them and then kiss them in the both side of their checks. It’s really awkward when you’re not used to it. And the next one is during Christmas. Every year we usually have a reunion. A small getting together party where each of my relatives come and celebrates with us, even if their miles away, they still have time to be with us. Because of family believe that when we get together the more we love each other.

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